Saturday, June 16, 2012

Schools Out For Summer

Alice Cooper:
"No More Mr. Nice Guy?"
... And the fun is just about to begin. I apologize for the extended hiatus, but the end of the school year was a doozy! It was a great school year, but with all of the schedule changes, IEP meetings, graduation activities, etc., during the last month it seems nearly impossible to ever have a smooth transition into summer. On top of all of this, I have also been trying to make final preparations for my upcoming trip which has proven to take a lot of time and attention. But, now my departure draws near. I am making lists, and adding items to them faster than I am marking them off. In five days I will be boarding my first flight on my way to my first international adventure. It is probably best that I stop writing, and start asking progress on my lists. Please stay tuned and join me on this journey.


  1. well we can't wait to read about your adventures across the pond, have a great trip! Summer's off to a busy start here to. Thanks for sending home the info on your blog. It's gonna be FUN!!! MattBob and Mom and Dad and bro and sis too :)

    1. Thank you so much for checking in. I have washed and folded all of my clothes. Tomorrow is dedicated to packing my suitcases and checking stuff off of my many lists. I head out Thursday afternoon. I hope you all have a wonderful summer doing your many family activities. This might be the one time that my homework sheet has more on it than Matt's, but I am probably already behind. Be well. Randy
