Tuesday, June 26, 2012

L'Arche Lambeth: Monday and Tuesday

Last I wrote it was Monday afternoon, and I was awaiting my first contact with L'Arche Lambeth. I was set to have most of my contact with one of their several communities, The Dove. I was taken to where I would be staying, because their house is full, and because I do not have a British background check. After having some time to settle in, I returned to The Dove for dinner. There I had my first interaction with the three core members there, two males and one female. I got to learn a little about each of them, along with two of the assistants while they completed their weekly meeting to schedule each person's preferred activities, followed by dinner. The group prayer before the meal was touching, as each person in the group, core members and assistants offered up their concerns. Much care was given to address the concerns of the core members, to help them to understand and process what is going on with their friends and families in a very therapeutic way. We then headed to the table, where we sang the Johnny Appleseed blessing (with one minor local change), which made me feel like I was at Camp Rainbow Connection. Since I have been here I have not been very hungry or even had the urge to eat (don't worry, I won't blow away), but I appreciated the invitation to join them for dinner, and ate a little. Following dinner I headed back to the house on Chestnut for some sleep.

Today,Tuesday was exactly what I was needing. I had been feeling terribly isolated sice I got to London, so I needed to be with people. I arrived at The Dove at 8:30, then walked to the workshop. This workshop is an awesome place! From the street it occupies three large windowed bays of one building. One section houses offices, the middle opens to their storefront, and on the left is the workshop. In this workshop core members from several of the community houses come to work, along with some people who do not live in a L'Arche house. In the workshop they produce three primary items: candles, woven products, and hook rugs. I was happily put to work helping to finish some woven mats, and adding labels. Then, I was shown the ins and outs of their candle making processes, followed by having the opportunity to make one myself. After lunch (I found a Subway, and ate the first significant meal of my stay) I continued to finish rugs and cut yarn for the hook rugs.

Following work I attended a faith group meeting. Here we sang songs (including some CRC favorites like Give me oil in my lamp, minus the ho-down and Hallelujah) had a lesson, and group prayer. Again, I felt like I was at camp, and this was a welcome feeling. Following faith group we headed back for dinner, and a thank you/going away party for one of the assistants who will be leaving at the end of the week. Dinner was nice, but the highlight of the evening was hearing the core members give speeches to the leaving assistant. I had a nice time talking to the assistants and cleaning up, then headed back to Chestnut. This was such a wonderful day! I hope the next two are able to keep up. Until next time...

Bonus content: during dinner I was told about something called Jaffa Cakes, and that they were a delicacy that I could not afford to miss. On my way home I stopped by the store to grab some, and they are delicious. Small sponge cake the size of a silver dollar, with an orange gel and chocolate on the flat side. A winner in my book, and something my mom would love. If ever you find yourself in a position to try some of these delightful treats, do not pass it up.

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