Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Exhausted but Happy

I am absolutely exhausted today. First, with the time difference, I have been staying up much later than I normally do. But today simply wore me out. I asked to be put to use where I was needed, and today, that was in the garden. For those of you who know me, or have ever been to my house, you know that yard work is neither a passion nor primary concern of mine. However, the silver lining on doing yard work today was the delightful weather, with overcast skies and a consistent breeze. I was put to work with a pair of gloves, some snips, and instructions to remove brambles (briars), clench weed, and anything dead. I gladly set out, removing some of the most gnarly brambles I have ever seen. They were an inch or more in diameter at the base, and covered in more skin piercing thorns than you could count. I had completed the patch I had been assigned to by tea time. After tea I moved the piles of brush, then prepared for lunch. Following lunch I essentially supervised as one of the core members masterfully cut the grass. One of the many highlights of the day was getting to pick and eat a few delicious cherries from the cherry tree that grows at one of the garden entrances. Following work I stopped by Chestnut to take a shower, then to The Dove for a delicious Indian dinner. I got to meet lots of new people today from all over the world, and really enjoyed getting to hear their stories. It has been a great, but exhausting day. I hope all is well. I am heading to bed.

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