Sunday, June 24, 2012

A comment about comments

I just want to let everyone know that if you are making comments, I am getting them. However, I am having some trouble posting responses. You will know i have received your comment when you see it posted. Please do not stop commenting, I love hearing from you, and it makes me feel tied to home.

Because this post is so short, I am going to fatten it up with some bonus pictures. While walking around the Jubilee Gardens there were tons of buskers. The guy making his living as Mr. Bean was my favorite. Matt, the picture of Darth Vader is just for you. I hope you are having an awesome summer. See you in September.

1 comment:

  1. Oh we catching up on your trip after taking our own trip to Texas. Love the picture and Matt's comment was a perplexed "Star Wars on Early's field trip?" and then "whose the baby" guess he thought the boy looked young? Well, I guess we've got more to read....started at the beginning and working our way through. It's going to be fun reading I can tell! Anne
