Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sunday in Callan

I had a nice Sunday in Callan. I woke up and attended mass at the local Catholic church. The interior of the church was beautifu, and I enjoyed the service. I must say, I thuroughly enjoyed hearing the priest's accent during the service. Following the service many people from L'Arche Kilkenny walked to the newest L'Arche houses in the area for tea. I spent the remainder of the day with the kind people of this house. It was nice to see a house that was purpose built for a L'Arche community. Also, they have three or four flats connected to the house for members who are able to live with greater independence. I joined a core member and assistant on a trip to a walking trail, and we took a 30 minute walk in the rain. We then returned to the house to watch South Pacific, then ordered Chinese food from the local take out place called Yum Yum. The food was not traditional by any means, but it was not bad. I spent a lot of time talking to the assistants of this house today. Things here seem to be significantly slower paced, but I am not sure if that is a result of the location, or the fact that it is the weekend, but so far I am enjoying myself. Oh, for my friends sweating to death in Richmond, it is so cool here that they turned on the radiators today. Just saying. Here are some pictures I took on my walk back to where I am staying.

Where I went to mass
The back of the new houses
The back gate

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