Monday, July 2, 2012

Mahon Falls

What an amazing day. Things started when I walked to the workshop in Callan. The group assembled and kicked their week off with celebrations, concerns, and prayers. Later this meeting drew to a close, we broke into our work groups for the morning. I had been scheduled to work with three core members and a lovely spitfire of a lady who shares her name with my mother. This was a life skills group. They are working on computer skills, but are using photography as the conduit for this learning to occur. We set out to the Mahon Falls for a photo opportunity, much to my delight.

The small waterfall on the way to the big waterfall
Hey ewe! (see what I did there?)
Following our outing we returned to the workshop for lunch. I then headed to the L'Arche Cafe for a tour and some discussion about things cafe related. Today is a prep day for the cafe, so they were getting things ready for the week when I arrived. Following the time at the cafe, I headed to the Moorfield house for dinner. We had spaghetti, which made me happy, as I have been lusting for some Italian food. It is late here, and I am very tired. I hope to be able to write some more tomorrow.

My submission for the Big Boys of Ireland calendar.
The sky at 9:30pm, the reason I have not seen stars yet.


  1. Okay, now I'm jealous. Absolutely beautiful, reminds me of some of my favorite spots in Oregon! Also, thanks for rubbing it in with your hiking parka while I unroll my sticky pants each night!

  2. Your pictures are stunning Randy! (especially the big boys of Ireland pose -- I think they might even give you Mr. March.) I am enjoying every one of your posts, each fabulous picture and what it shows, and find it most amazing what you are finding in the communities you are visiting.

    Cindy Larsen

  3. These pictures are great Randy!!! I also love your submission for the calendar! :) Those waterfalls area breath taking. I know you are excited for Rachel to come!!! A'Leigh

  4. We are all enjoying your posts. The pictures are wonderful, only wish we could hear and smell the sights as well :) Anne, Bob and Matt
