Sunday, May 6, 2012

I'm feeling some kind of way

Finally things are happening that are making me realize just how close my trip is.  6 weeks, 4 days.  Up to this point it has felt more like a dream than a reality.  The thought of having never traveled abroad, to now preparing to spend a full month overseas, has me feeling... well it has me feeling some kind of way.  I'm not exactly sure what this saying even means.  It is a term that my wife has picked up, and has begun to interject into our household lexicon.  For us, it seems to encompass a plethora of emotions: anxiety, excitement, pensiveness, fits of laughter, etc.  For this trip though, it just seems to fit.  I am making progress in my preparations, but with each item that I mark off  of my to do list, I add three more.  This week I have secured my airfare and reserved all of my hotel rooms.  This was not a small task, I tell you.  Trying to ensure that you are getting a good rate on hotels in eight cities, all while sticking to my budget took a ton of internet searches, cost comparisons, and currency conversions, but it was a necessary step in ensuring that things go smoothly while in London and Ireland.  Every now and then, when I think about it for too long, a grin takes over my face, and I let out this little giggle of joy/disbelief. Tee-hee.

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