Sunday, April 15, 2012

Welcome to my writing

I never thought that I would have my own blog. When I was a kid, writing was a chore, and I dreaded the thought of anyone having to read my writing. However, if you are reading this, it is a decision you are making for yourself, so I don't feel too guilty. If it were not for my 8th grade English teacher, Mrs. Morton, I am not certain that I would have ever even learned to write a complete sentence in the first place. As much as I hated every second of her class, she taught me the craft of writing, and for that I am forever grateful. Every sentence required a a minimum of 10 words, every paragraph required at least 5 sentences. I would sit and count out my words and sentences making sure that I was doing the bare minimum to have my work accepted. Little did I know that I was effectively doubling the amount of time that I was spending on my homework, as well as editing my work over and over as I tried to generate my 50-word paragraphs. I am excited about the opportunity this blog affords me, and getting to share my experiences, thoughts, and reflections through my writing. I thank you for taking the time to read my posts, and would love to hear from you. I hope you enjoy following me on this journey as much as I am looking forward to living it. Thank you, and there is more to come...I promise.

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